
The author carried out a scientific exploration of key concepts of social management education, which during the formation of human civilization ensured the development of this institution. It is advisable to use the historiographic method of research. The semantic and social-functional content of the concepts of “education” and “leadership in education” are considered. Educational work is aimed at “enlightening”, providing certain knowledge, advanced ideas to a person who would help her to personally grow, expand the horizons of his knowledge and think critically. Moreover, the transfer of knowledge must fulfill not only the information function, but also contain an educational process based on the principles of humanism. Kant identified enlightenment as “the man's release from his own minority”. The main purpose of Kant's Enlightenment is the free use of the human mind for the progressive transformation of society. The result of the historical and cultural development of the national educational movement was its national originality and uniqueness. The notion “charitable educational activity” is defined – it is an unselfish material and organizational help of state or public organizations and individuals, aimed at solving existing educational problems and creating conditions for effective development of the educational branch in the future. Researchers study educational, pedagogical, educational, educational, research, cultural and educational, management, public and educational activities of personalities (publishing, ethnographic, public, pedagogical views), in order to characterize their pedagogical views, the content of pedagogical and educational work. The Guidance is a series of processes, which include creating a vision of the future, a strategy for achieving it, communicating this vision to others in a way that they believe. The Guidance in education is a creative off-paradigm activity of the subject (s) of the educational system with the expansion of its theoretical and applied field on the basis of a unique author's vision of perceived perspectives that lie outside the existing normative reality. The definition of concepts is defined and the social meaning and progressive nature of these phenomena in the realm of education are outlined. The general features of the leaders and educators and those that determine their unique uniqueness, dissimilarity are determined. Keywords: еnlightenment, charitable еnlightenment, тhe Guidance in education.

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