
In modern domestic science was marked positive trend to consideration of the culture to provinces as component part of cultural heritage of the country as a whole, as well as activation of the interest to her on the part of the other state. In this connection appeared need a society in translator of the culture that is to say one, can present unite culture carrier other cultures on comprehensible him language. The relevancies of foreign languages have brought about need of the organizations of the process of the education language by so as not only teach through it other culture, but also create the condition for cognition of the native culture. The Big potential for the matter of that possesses is the contextual approach with regional component of the contents. Authors of the article offer to use the within the framework regional-communication situations, capable to draw near the process of the education to real contact, enabling form beside training, on the one hand, speech skills with quality, necessary him to tell about specifics of the native culture foreign tourist, but with other - deeper hear its culture, realize its attribute to her. The Offered approach to education to foreign contact with the using regional-communication situation can be applying in all educational institutions on any stage of the education and self-training in any region after determined adapting the theoretical positions to available external and internal condition. Purpose: the studying of the possibility of the use the regional component of the contents in process of the contextual education foreign language in condition of the operation by person of the economic area tourist-recreation type. The Method of the undertaking the work: theoretical analysis. Results. Theoretical analysis is given of the notion "regional component of the contents of the education foreign language". The Certain sources of the contents of the education foreign language with use the regional component, national-specific particularities of the culture of the region, functional contents of the education. The Authors of the article came to conclusion that development of the skill to present unite culture with its regional specifics and person of this culture in such type of speech activity, as speaking, possible at realization of the contextual approach to education.

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