
Introduction. Well-developed professional and creative thinking increases future specialists’ competitiveness and ensures their professional success. Thus, developing professional and creative thinking in future foreign language teachers is important for their professional development. The novelty of the research lies in studying characteristics of professional and creative thinking related to the specifity of a foreign language specialist’s professional activity as follows: associativity, anticipation, divergence, flexibility, criticism, and constructiveness.
 Methods. The pedagogical experiment involved 22 master students of the Institute of History, Philology and Media of Kabardino-Balkarian State University. The analysis of foreign and domestic works made it possible to choose theoretical appraches to developing professional and creative thinking in future English teachers and develop the author’s program. The idea of gamification of the educational process was underlying for this program. This required the following innovative training methods and techniques: (a) the REAL techniques (N. V. Maslov); (b) case method (situation–sample, situation–problem, and situation–exercise); (c) game technology; (d) reverse brainstorming (RB); (e) association method; and (f) dialogue with a destructive related assessment.
 Results. The study results indicated a positive dynamics for all the characteristics of professional and creative thinking. The students had significantly higher levels of associativity, anticipation, divergence, flexibility, criticism, constructiveness. However, this process was incomplete and required the constant development of these characteristics of thinking.
 Discussion. The development of professional and creative thinking is the main condition for a foreign language specialist’s professional development, which provides him/her with competitive advantages and great demand in the modern labor market. In conclusion: there is a need for purposeful work on the development of professional and creative thinking in future foreign language teachers.
 Professional and creative thinking is the main condition for future foreign language teachers’ professional training, which provides him/her with competitive advantages and great demand in the modern labor market.
 The levels of associativity, anticipation, divergence, flexibility, criticism, constructiveness determine the effectiveness of professional and creative thinking.
 Fulfilling the principles of gamification in the educational process can help increase students’ interest and motivation towards professional activities.
 Implementing innovative teaching methods in the educational process provides the development of professional and creative thinking in future foreign language teachers.


  • Well-developed professional and creative thinking increases competitiveness and ensures the professional success of future foreign language teachers

  • Fostering professional and creative thinking is an essential part of their professional development

  • The novelty of the research lies in studying characteristics of professional and creative thinking such as: associativity, anticipation, divergence, flexibility, criticism, and constructiveness, which are specific to a foreign language specialist’s professional activity

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Развитие профессионально-творческого мышления у будущих учителей иностранного языка. Авторами доказывается актуальность проблемы развития профессионально-творческого мышления у будущих учителей иностранного языка, его значимость в профессиональном становлении специалиста. Научная новизна исследования заключается в том, что на основе специфики деятельности специалиста в сфере иностранного языка выделены основные характеристики профессионально-творческого мышления: ассоциативность, антиципация, дивергентность, гибкость, критичность, конструктивность. Данный раздел включает обобщенные результаты исследования, свидетельствующие о положительной динамике по всем выделенным характеристикам профессионально-творческого мышления: ассоциативности, антиципации, дивергентности, гибкости, критичности, конструктивности. Авторы рассматривают развитие профессиональнотворческого мышления как доминирующее условие профессионального становления будущих учителей иностранного языка, обеспечивающего им конкурентные преимущества и востребованность на современном рынке труда. В заключение делается вывод о необходимости целенаправленной работы по развитию профессионально-творческого мышления у будущих учителей иностранного языка. Ключевые слова профессионально-творческое мышление, конкурентоспособность, ассоциативность, антиципация, дивергентность, гибкость, критичность, конструктивность мышления, геймификация, учебный процесс

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