
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of formation of national interests and values and their social awareness during the years of independence. It is noted that the study of Ukrainian national interests and values and their social awareness during the years of independence is quite appropriate and relevant within the limits of both theoretical and methodological problems and practical tasks of national political science at the current stage of the development of Ukrainian society. A theoretical analysis of Ukrainian national interests and values is carried out, as well as an analysis of the problems of their formation and awareness by the population of Ukraine in the conditions of state independence. The categorical and terminological apparatus regarding national interests and values is considered. A classification of the main Ukrainian national interests in the conditions of war is proposed. From Ukrainian national interests, it is proposed to derive the content of Ukrainian national values. Based on the results of sociological researches, the dynamics of the attitude of Ukrainian citizens to the model of national interests and values is considered. It is pointed out that fundamental values and priorities, by which the developed nations of the world live, have been deformed, devalued or eliminated in the country as hopeless. It was noted that Ukrainians are experiencing deep spiritual reconstruction, spiritual renewal. It is noted that Ukraine is in a situation where there is no complete system of national values and ideals, and there are antagonistic values in various social systems of Ukrainian society. Conclusions are provided and perspectives regarding the scientific study of awareness of Ukrainian national interests at the current stage of social development are considered.

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