
Keywords: national security, national values, national interests, national goals, intellectualproperty
 Theoretical aspects of national security, the interconnection of values, interestsand goals of the individual, society and the state, their influence on the formation ofnational values, interests and goals in order to develop a state policy on national securityand defense of Ukraine are considered. The need to take into account intellectualproperty issues in these processes has been investigated. The importance of furtherresearch on developing a unified approach to improving the intellectual propertyprotection system and defining it as an integral part of the national security and defenseof Ukraine is outlined.National security theory is built around a framework that is shaped by the socalledtriad: national values — national interests — national goals. National securityis based on national interests established on national values.Therefore, national values, interests and goals are the stumbling blocks in the developmentof guidelines for national security (laws, concepts, doctrines, strategies,programs, etc.). At the same time, national values and interests play a key role.
 Intellectual property issues are at the intersection of a set of core values, interestsand goals of the individual, society and state.Intellectual security nowadays is a leading component in the national security systembecause, on the one hand, it is connected with the growing role of intellectuallabor, protection of intellectual potential from destruction, and on the other hand –guarantees the security of human intellectual development, protects knowledge asthe most valuable intellectual resource and its the media is the person who createsthe intellectual products. Intellectual security of Ukraine guaranteeing implies makingadequate management decisions and taking consistent, well-structured organizationalmeasures.The threat to national interests and national security of Ukraine in the defensesphere are also intellectual property problems that arise in the development ofweapons and military equipment and in cooperation with foreign defense industrycompanies (investments, joint production, procurement of technology, etc.).Ineffective state policy in the field of intellectual property protection (or lack thereof)has a negative impact on national security. Under these conditions, developing ascience-based public policy on intellectual property protection is now an importanttask. Such state policy should consider intellectual property taking into account notonly economic and scientific and technical indicators, but also threats to the nationalsecurity of Ukraine.

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