
Аn attempt is made in this work to establish correlations between the level of enzymatic activity of the soil and factors of an abiotic nature. It was found that the activity of invertase and urease in the soils of more southern territories is higher than that of northern ones. In soils with a pH value of the soil environment close to neutral reaction, the level of enzymatic activity is higher than in more acidic ones. The most sensitive to soil acidity among the studied urease enzymes. In relation to zinc, an inverse correlation was established between its content in the soil and the level of invertase activity. According to the degree of resistance to salinity, the enzymes are arranged in the following order: catalase> invertase> urease. An increase in the mineralization of the soil solution leads to an increase in the activity of urease. Of the studied enzymes, the most labile are representatives of the class of hydrolases (invertase and urease), less labile are oxidoreductases (catalase). Thus, when diagnosing the state of the soil by the level of enzymatic activity, it is necessary to take into account the main abiotic factors affecting the activity of enzymes: the average annual air temperature; pH and mineralization of the soil solution; the content of substances that inhibit microorganisms and block exozymes.

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