
The Results of organic, mineral and organo-mineral systems of fertilization on the growth and development of plants and the formation of a beet root.were. Features of a food plant the beet in different soil-climatic conditions ofUkraineare investigated insufficiently. The issues of increasing yields, quality and storability of root crops beet during using the new types of organic and mineral fertilizers are stillimportant. That is why in the conditions of left-Bank Forest-steppe ofUkrainewe studied the effects of organic fertilizer Agrovit-Kor and mineral fertilizers and their combined use on the growth, development and formation of root crops of beet. The obtained results showed that the height of plants beet was clearly influenced by the organic fertilizer Agrovit-Kor and mineral fertilizers and their jointapplication.Before harvesting (phase of technical ripeness) on a variant without fertilizer (control) average height of plants of the beet varieties of Bordeaux Kharkiv was39.9 cm, and sorts of the Vital was few less -32.5 cm. In fertilized variants height of plants was increased by 1,1-5,0 cmfor the variety Bordeaux Kharkiv and 0,1-2,1 cmfor the variety Vital. The highest height of plants was observed in the variant with application Agrovet-Kor (2 t/ha) both separately and together with mineral fertilizers (NPК) and was in beet varieties of Bordeaux Kharkiv 44,3, and 45,643,3 cm., and in variety Vital to 36,8, 36,2 per cent and36.5 cm, accordingly.Fertilizers to a certain extent, affected the length, diameter and weight of the root - product of the body of the beet. The average diameter of the root of the beet varieties of Bordeaux Kharkiv has varied from7.6 cmto9.0 cm, and weight - from 184 to237 g. The Roots of the beet varieties differed from the Vital beet varieties of Bordeaux Kharkov in size and weight. The average diameter of roots ranged from7,3 cmto8,1 cm, and its weight from 289 to393 g. The most significant influence on the root mass, and accordingly on the productivity of beet provided the introduction Agrovet-Kor 1,0 t/ha in conjunction with mineral fertilizers (N 30 P 30 К 60 ). The gain of mass of root crops beetroot varieties of Bordeaux Kharkiv amounted to 53 g (28,8 %) over the control without fertilizer and 25 g (11,8 %) to the variant with application of mineral fertilizers in the dose of N 30 P 30 К 60 , which is taken as the standard. In the experiment with the beet root of the sort Vital in this embodiment were also gotten roots with the greatest weight 393 g, exceeding the control (without fertilizer) and a variant with N 30 P 30 К 60 (reference) Root top-dressing of ammonium nitrate (N 15 ) in the background N 30 Р 30 К 60 and unroot additional fertilizing in a phase of formation of roots water-soluble fertilizer Novofert (3 kg/ha) on the background make N 30 Р 30 К 60 and N 15 have failed to increase the mass of roots of the beet varieties of Bordeaux Kharkiv. Whereas in the experiment with the beet varieties of Vital foliar feeding of plants by fertilizer Novofert on the background making N 30 Р 30 К 60 and N 15 , there was a trend to increased size and weight of the root crop to 354 g compared to option N 30 Р 30 К 60 (reference). The shape index of root crops beet in both varieties remained stable with slight variation in the backgrounds of nutrition for Bordeaux varieties Kharkiv (0,86-0,92) spherical shapes and varieties Vital (1,85-2,01) cylindrical (elongated) shape. Introduction of Agrovet-Kor (1t/ha) with mineral fertilizers (NP 15-30 К 30-60 ) contributed to the formation of a more optimal ratio of the mass of the roots to the vegetative mass of both varieties of beet (for varieties of Bordeaux Kharkiv 2,02-2,08 and varieties of Vital 3,17-of 3,25). Conclusions . The most significant influence on the growth of plants and on the mass of roots provided the introduction of Agrovet-Kor 1,0 t/ha with mineral fertilizers in the dose of N 15 P 15 К 30 , increasing roots’ mass of plants of the beet varieties of Bordeaux Kharkov39 g, and varieties Soared to64.In these embodiments, the weight ratio of the roots to the vegetative mass of the plants before harvesting the beet varieties of Bordeaux Kharkiv amounted to 2,02-2,08, and sorts of the Vital-3,17-of 3.25.

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