
The developed market of milk and dairy products is one of the indicators of the economic well-being of the region. It is designed to provide the population of the region with dairy products of its own production in volume and assortment, regardless of imports. Despite the fact that the largest producer of milk and dairy products in Russia are megafarms, traditional forms of dairy production have a number of undeniable advantages over them. In this regard, such forms of dairy production should be preserved and developed.
 The methodological basis of the study was the scientific works of researchers in the field of milk production and the dairy market. During the research, methods and techniques were used: abstract-logical, economic-statistical, monographic.
 The study made it possible to determine the dynamics of the number of cattle in agricultural organizations, households of the population, peasant (farmer) farms and individual entrepreneurs for 2010-2022. The study presents trends in milk production and consumption in Russia.
 According to the results of the scientific research, the basic principles of the organization of milk and dairy production, the advantages and disadvantages of milk production in megafarms and with traditional forms of dairy production are determined. The ways of applying cognitive and marketing approaches to the development of traditional forms of dairy production are proposed.

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