
The article is devoted to the actual problem of mental transformation in the psychoanalytic process of changing the logos in the metamodernism logic, which determined its novelty. The work objective is to conceptualize the “logos” notion within frameworks of the metamodern “psychology of depths”, to identify the process of its change at a fragmentary level in crisis conditions. To achieve the goal the author solves a number of tasks: (a) to clarify the conceptualization of the key “logos” notion in relation to research; (b) to reveal the peculiarities of manifesting logos in modern conditions by means of the imaginer as an actor of transformation and overcoming the crisis; (c) to designate the author’s paradigm model of changeability. The study methodological base is the psychoanalytic approach and rich scientific heritage of Gilbert Durand, whose 100 th anniversary is celebrated on May 1, 2021 by the world scientific community. All over the world he is known as a sociologist, anthropologist, religious scholar and researcher of imagination forms and functions, the author of the deep sociology concept, theory and research tool. Therefore, the study applies general scientific and psychoanalytic methods of cognition, as well as an interdisciplinary approach, which made it possible to use culturological and hermeneutic analysis methods. At the same time, the author adopts elements of the culturological and sociological base methodology with borrowing of concepts and prospects to explain socio-psychological phenomena (metamodern, logos, imaginer, etc.) having a complex psychological nature. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis, the article demonstrated a generalized characteristic of the logos within frameworks of its conceptualization in the depth psychology topic, revealing the concept psychological nature and meanings to a certain extent. The author proposes the paradigmatic model modification of the logos changeability on J. Durand’s construction basis, investigates the psychological process of its transformation. Based on the analysis results of the logos state in crisis conditions, the paper represents fragments of its varieties and change probabilistic mechanisms. An uncertain geopolitical future creates a background to press a two-story topic, where the problem of synchronism of its development vertical axis will become a specific feature of scientific research, which implies further research.

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