Abstract - It is expected that there will be delay of scheduled transmission network reinforcement and huge investment of renewable energy resources in Korea. As transmission capacity expansion delayed, supplying power to Seoul metropolitan area will not be increased as scheduled. In addition, uncertain renewable energy out of Seoul metropolitan area can cause transmission congestion in the future power system. These two combining effects will make the difference in locational marginal prices(LMP) and congestion costs increase. In that sense, this paper will analyze how much the congestion costs for Korea power system are incurred in the future power system. Most of previous approaches to analyze the congestion costs for electric power system are based on the optimal power flow model which cannot deal with hourly variation of power system. However, this study attempted to perform the analysis using market simulation model(M-Core) which has the capability of analyzing the hourly power generation cost and power transmission capacity, and market prices by region. As a result, we can estimate the congestion costs of future power system considering the uncertainty of renewable energy and transmission capacity.Key Words : Locational marginal price, Transmission congestion costs, Uncertainty *정 회 원 : 한국산업기술대학교 지식기반기술․ 에너지 대학원 정책학과 박사 수료.†교신저자, 정회원 : 한국산업기술대학교에너지․전기공학과교수․공박E-mail : sskim@kpu.ac.kr 접수일자 : 2014년 5월 26일수정일자 : 2014년 7월 4일 최종완료 : 2014년 7월 10일
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