
The features of changes in the volume of investments in agriculture, including specific indicators of investment per one agricultural enterprise and unit of the population of Ukraine, are determined. It has been established that the flow of the investment process in agriculture has a certain synergistic effect.The share of investments in agriculture in relation to Ukraine’s GDP and gross investment in the economy are analyzed. The dynamics of the indicators of the share of investments in GDP and gross investment in the Ukrainian economy indicates a certain tendency towards its gradual growth during 2015-2017.The study of the influence of a number of factors on the volume of investments in agriculture is carried out on a number of indicators expressing the instruments of state regulation.The strengths of state regulation of investment processes in agriculture is to stimulate farmers to export their products, which contributes to the simultaneous inflow of investments in the agricultural sector.The weak sides are the lack of a well-balanced long-term policy of industrial development, which transforms Ukraine into an agrarian and raw material state. The deficit of the balance of payments is overlapped in recent years due to the export of agricultural raw materials with low added value.In the global food market, a shortage of high-quality products is constantly growing, Ukraine has all the prospects of becoming a developed agro-industrial country in terms of stimulating investments in processing agricultural raw materials. The need to attract foreign investment is obvious.Direct foreign investment in the agricultural sector is responsive enough to change the economic situation and the political situation in Ukraine, and therefore agriculture is in large measure in need of economic stabilization and a well-balanced policy of state regulation.

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