
The article draws attention to the lack of an integral methodology for marketing research in Ukraine's railway transport. The necessity of marketing researches of demand for passenger transportation and the factors influencing its change is proves. It is emphasizing that the purpose of marketing research is not only to fix changes in demand, but also to identify goods and services, in which passengers need the most. A scheme for filling the database on the demand for transport services is proposes. Such a database should be the basis for estimating current demand and forecasting demand for the future. The article presents controlled and uncontrolled factors affecting the demand of passengers for basic and additional services. At the same time, key determinants of demand are identifies, which are subject to more careful observation and research. The classification of demand factors into price and non-price factors is considered. It is emphasized that the focus in marketing research should be paid to non-price factors and, first of all, to the expectations of passengers. A list of information that marketing research should provide to understand the behavior of transport service consumers is provided. Attention draws to the need for a more thorough study of the intentions of consumer behavior, since such an analysis will reveal the services that can bring consumers the greatest satisfaction. The need to take into account the specific nature of the motivations of passengers, which are complex, ambiguous and multidirectional, is substantiates, which is due to the peculiarities of the transport service, its differences from other services and from transport services in other types of long-distance passenger transport. The article says that consumer motives are bases on the behavior of passengers, which are divides into rational and emotional motives. It is emphasizes that more attention should be paid to emotional motives, as they are more important for passengers. The article contains a list of rational and emotional motives that determine the choice of passengers of one or another type of transport, such as vehicles. In conclusion, we propose an algorithm for marketing research of the determinants of demand and the motives for consumer behavior of long-distance railway transport passengers.

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