
Currently, the issue of teaching non-linguistic students a professional foreign language, as well as the formation of professionally significant competence by means of a foreign language is given much attention both in our country and abroad. This determines the relevance of the author's research. Thus, the purpose of the article is to reveal the features of foreign language learning by students of non-linguistic areas of training, which allows determining the specifics of foreign language communication and requirements for teaching materials. In addition, the author had the task to investigate the effectiveness of the use of resources of media content on the Internet in teaching professional foreign (English) students of non-language areas of training and develop based on communicative methods of questions and tasks for teaching TED Talks – an open educational resource with speeches at conferences on various topics. The study is based on a contextual approach to vocational training, in which information must be assimilated in the context by modeling the subject and social content of professional activities in foreign language classes. As a result of the study, the author identified and substantiated the benefits of using TED Talks, and found that the use of such Internet resources in foreign language classes promotes the formation of professional competence in students, increases motivation to learn a foreign language and prepares them for intercultural interaction. The theoretical significance of the article is that it contributes to the study of creating a foreign language professional communication environment with modern educational technologies that allows students to immerse themselves in a foreign language environment, observe culturally specific realities and hear examples of modern foreign language. The results of the study and the conclusions made by the author can be used to further research the issue of vocational training. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of applying the presented author's development of a foreign language lesson with students of economic fields in II-IV courses, depending on the level of language training.

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