
Libraries, being state institutions, exist on state subsidies and are limited in their funds, so even though the book market in modern conditions is saturated with document resources, information and library institutions cannot afford the purchase of all necessary publications. The activities of institutions are regulated by normative and legislative acts, which provide both competitive methods of procurement and procurement from a single supplier. To replenish the information and library fund it is not enough to get a legal deposit copy, so it is necessary to find additional sources of acquisition through the integration of information and library institutions with publishing and bookselling organizations. The main sources of information about novelties are price lists and websites of publishers, as well as websites of leading online stores. The use of information technologies and automated systems makes it easy to analyze how much demand the library users have for purchased editions. The library needs to organize a clear feedback between the service departments, the acquisition department and the user. Only collective work of all structural divisions of the library on the list of editions necessary for acquisition will allow to form a qualitative fund.

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