
The article deals with the theoretical aspects of the formation of professionally significant qualities of future specialists in higher education institutions. The main groups of professionally significant qualities of future specialists of any sphere of activity are presented. The author specifies professionally significant qualities that are the most important factors of professional competence of future specialists, and reveals the essence of the process of formation of professionally significant qualities of future specialists. The emphasis is placed on the pedagogical conditions of the formation of professionally significant qualities of future specialists in higher education institutions. The competitiveness of workers is characterized by an indicator of the quality of their professional training, the possibility of realizing the formed professionally significant qualities in working conditions of today. In this regard, the issue of scientific research of modern approaches to the effective formation of professionally significant qualities of future specialists in higher education institutions, which should ensure the quality of their professional activities in the new socio-economic conditions, is of particular interest. The article outlines two processes of professional formation, the formation of the attitude towards their profession, increasing the level of enthusiasm for its content and the formation of practical skills, achievement of skill level. It is stressed that both processes are interconnected. It is also noted on the starting point for professional formation is the formation of a proper attitude to their profession, the development of professionally relevant qualities of future specialists, the acquisition of professional experience, the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.

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