
Abstract. This article is devoted to identifying the common characteristics of the "supertext" that has developed in the Kazakh and Russian national literatures, in the space of which the border territories of Kazakhstan and Russia – the Mangistau and Astrakhan regions - were connected. The object of the study was the biography and diaries of T.G. Shevchenko from the period of exile to the Mangyshlak peninsula and return to St. Petersburg via Astrakhan. The authors made an attempt to trace the process of Taras Shevchenko's self-identification during the exile period and the Astrakhan stage, based primarily on his individual diary entries. Through the prism of the identity of the personality and biography of T.G. Shevchenko, the discourse of his diary fragments from the period of reference to Mangyshlak, analyzed in the aspect of the synthesis of the biographical approach and "cognitive hermeneutics" based on the interpretation of the symbolic level and geopoetic meanings, Russian-Kazakh literary connections in the original "intertextual space" of the adjacent regions – Mangystau and Astrakhan regions are quite multifaceted and meaningful. The analysis allowed us to identify the individual author's interpretation of the Caspian region, with which T.G. Shevchenko was biographically associated. The systematized facts gave grounds to consider T.G. Shevchenko a "lacunary actor" in the literary history of the two regions. The present study is carried out in the aspect of the synthesis of the biographical method and "cognitive hermeneutics" based on the interpretation of the symbolic level and geopoetic meanings. The authors have identified the key images, parameters and basic artistic techniques for the formation of symbolic geopoetics of the interregional "supertext", relevant for the representation of Mangystau and Astrakhan in other literary works. Keywords: Kazakh literature, Russian literature, T.G. Shevchenko, Mangyshlak, Mangystau, Astrakhan, biographical method, cognitive approach, hermeneutics, symbolism, passionate personality, geopoetics, overtext, literary connections, concept.

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