
This article deals with the relevant in modern educational environment issue of enhancement. A number of scientific notions are considered, notably “junior pupils’ cognitive activity”, “enhancement of junior pupils’ cognitive activity” that enables the uniformity of construing the key aspects of the defined problems and creates the theoretical basis for its effective practical solving. The statement about wide opportunities of integrated lessons of Art for the enhancement of junior pupils’ cognitive activity is emphasized on the basis of the explaining of the specificity of art and art activities. We analyzed the scholarly literature on different branches of science (Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Psychology and Pedagogics) on the issue of the potential of gaming activities for harmonious development of children’s personalities, especially for intensification of the cognition processes of reality and art by children. We theoretically substantiated the expediency of introduction of games at the Art lessons as an effective means of junior pupils’ cognitive activity enhancement. Basic aspects of junior pupils’ game activity are considered, this activity is viewed as a motivating and meaningful process which is a basis for children’s cognitive activity enhancement at the lessons of Art. We outlined the main factors that enable the effectiveness of its implementation in the educational process of junior school, especially at the Art lesson. The groups of games which are expedient for the enhancement of children’s activities and can be applied in the process of mastering art knowledge and skills are defined and described. The examples of games (subject, artistic-creative and artistic-constructive) that can optimize junior pupils’ cognitive activities in arts (theatre, painting and music) are presented and their instructive and procedural peculiarities are outlined. The article shows the elements of methodological tools of junior pupils’ cognitive activity enhancement at the Art lessons by the means of games.

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