
Longevity of winter crops seeds largely depends on growing conditions, harvesting and post-harvest handling, as well as the influence of other modifying factors, such as root germination, plant lodging, damage by microorganisms, physical and other influences. The purpose of research was to study modification impact (weather conditions, species peculiarities, terms and methods of collection) on quality and durability of seeds of winter grain crops. Seeds of winter rye variety Siverske and winter wheat variety Poliska 90 of harvest 2006 and 2007 were collected in various phases of ripeness, manually and mechanized, dried to moisture content 13 %, stored in an airtight container at low air temperature (+ 5 °С) in conditions of laboratory «Quality of seeds and planting material» of Plant Science Department of NULES of Ukraine. Ten subsequent years was determined energy of germination, laboratory germination and seed moisture according to the existing methods DSTU 4138-2002. Has been established that under unfavorable weather conditions of formation, percentage of weak, underdeveloped and hypertrophied seeds grows by 1,5–2 times, economic longevity decreases, but biological longevity changes a little, period of stable saving of sowing qualities does not decrease. The modification variability of seeds as result of direct impact on it by harvesting methods in most cases is more significant that unfavorable conditions of formation, worsen sowing qualities and longevity of seeds. Overripe causes a sharp deterioration of sowing qualities and longevity of winter cereals seeds, a complete loss of period of stable saving and significant reduction of germination in the first year of storage. The biological properties of rye and wheat seeds of different initial germination due to injury during mechanized harvesting are characterized by different economic, but similar biological longevity.

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