
The article is devoted to the topical problems of food security in Russia at the present stage as an element of the national security of the state and the main goal of its agrarian and economic policy. The determining role of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) in ensuring the living standards of the country's population, its social status, and Russia's place in the world market is considered. The trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex are studied in the context of fundamental changes in the technological, socio-economic and geopolitical order. The factors hindering the achievement of sustainable growth in food production and ensuring food security are analyzed, and ways to solve these problems are proposed. Shows the features of modern world food systems, which are reaching a fundamentally new level of technological development, called "Agriculture 4.0" (Agriculture 4.0). The analysis of the prospects for the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex under the influence of political and economic factors on innovative growth in the context of accelerating the transition to a new technological order, taking into account the difficult environmental situation in the context of globalization and urbanization processes, changes in the criteria for assessing the quality of food by the consumer.

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