
ummary. The aim of the study is to investigate and to systematize world experience in the organization of measures to prevent technogenic emergencies (ES), as well as the experience of timely measures to eliminate their medical and sanitary consequences, to ensure safety of the population, to provide medical care and reduce the damage caused to national economy. Study materials and methods. Various databases were used, including PubMed; Russian information-analytical portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education — scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU; open access statistical reporting data and also official sites of scientific journals on the specified subjects. Results of the study and their analysis. It is noted that most countries, including the Russian Federation, have accumulated a lot of experience and developed a large number of regulatory documents governing algorithms and a necessary amount of activities in the field of protection of population and territories from man-made emergencies. In the event of such emergencies there are extremely urgent tasks to reduce or to prevent potential sanitary losses among civil population, as well as to ensure the uninterrupted operation of medical facilities. To solve them a whole complex of measures on medical and psychological protection of the population and employees of medical institutions is carried out. A specific peculiarity of professional activity of specialists of rescue services and medical workers, providing liquidation of medical and sanitary consequences of technogenic emergencies, is work in special conditions and under the influence of a considerable quantity of stressogenic factors. Organization of medical support of the victims of man-made emergencies also includes the creation of mobile forces, capable of ensuring the timeliness of medical care to victims. Most European countries have created joint rapid response forces, which are represented by mobile medical brigades and detachments, organized on the basis of large multidisciplinary medical treatment organizations. Their main task is to assess medical situation in the affected area: number of victims, severity of injuries and their preferential localization, need for specialized medical care, dislocation of the available medical forces and facilities and their capabilities. Domestic and international experience of organization of medical aid rendering to victims of technogenic emergencies shows that high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, professional burnout occur among the specialists of rescue services and medical workers, which may have long-term consequences. New methods and approaches to the organization of medical care in man-made emergencies are being developed and implemented all over the world and ways to support specialists of rescue services and medical workers taking part in the liquidation of man-made emergencies are being improved.

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