
The article reveals possibilities of a specially organized personality-developing educational environment at the final stage of primary general education (the fourth year of schooling) to optimize the subjectivity formation of fourth-graders. Insufficient knowledge of the environmental approach to the formation of the subjectivity of primary school students makes the work relevant. The theoretical basis of the article is psychological and pedagogical research in the field of the educational environment and the subject genesis of schoolchildren. The author presents the content of a two-year empirical study, which involved 213 fourth-graders (average age 10–11.5 years) at one of the experimental sites. Diagnostics of the development of subjectivity of fourth-graders was carried out using the questionnaire of the subjectivity structure of E.N. Volkova and I.A. Seregina, modified by M.A. Pyzh’yanova and was held at the beginning and the end of the academic year. The statistical reliability of the study results was determined using the Pearson Chi-square test (χ2). The article presents psychological and pedagogical characteristics of an innovative personality-developing educational environment at the final stage of initial general education, reveals main conditions and opportunities aimed at improving the subjectivity of fourth-graders in each of the components of the experimental educational environment (spatial-subject, psychodidactic, social). According to the results of the study, it was proved that the personality-developing educational environment, in which the experimental group (108 people) was included, had a positive statistically significant effect on the level of the development of all components of the subjectivity of fourth-graders (activity, ability to reflect, freedom of choice and responsibility for it, awareness of one's own uniqueness, understanding and acceptance of another person, self-development). No statistically significant positive changes in the development of the subjectivity components of fourth-graders were found in the control group (105 people). The research materials can be used in educational practice to optimize the development of the subjectivity of fourth-graders.

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