
The most important task of increasing food production prompts us to pay increasing attention to the cultiva-tion of such highly productive vegetable crops as sweet corn. In conditions of small-scale production, sweet corn is one of the most profitable crops. At the summer market for fresh produce, demand is always high. Over the past decade, the demand among Russian agricultural producers for sweet corn hybrids has in-creased significantly. The State register currently contains about 99 hybrids and populations of sweet corn, including 5 hybrids of ARRSIC breeding – Karamelka (FAO 120), Marmeladka and Serenada (FAO 160), Lakomka, Uslada (FAO 250). This article presents the results of the breeder’s work of the FSBSI ARRSI of corn on new mid-early hybrids of sweet corn creation in the conditions of the Predgorniy district of the Stav-ropol region. The productivity of new sweet corn hybrids for 2022-2023 had appraised. Over two years of re-search in boghara conditions, the ears yield without wrappers at technical ripeness amounted to 16.0-22.8 t/ha. A sweet corn hybrid was identified on the work results base, which meets the standard requirements (ear yield at technical ripeness, plant and of ear attachment height, ear size, grain size, grain color, cob color, as well as resistance to smut damage against a natural background), required for sweet corn of first generation hybrids for their further use in the food industry (canning, freezing). As a result of work on creating new sweet corn hybrids, new lines with high combining ability have been identified.

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