
The previously existing orientation in security activities to eliminate the consequences of internal threats has lost its relevance due to the significant impact of two key factors within the last few years. COVID-19 and the new phase of military aggression require the transformation of the economic security system within the limits of each trade enterprise, regardless of the scale of its activity. These changes should directly affect the expansion of the information field, in particular its external part, for the implementation of security activities based on the need for early detection of external and internal threats and all new opportunities, the use of which allows improving competitive positions. The purpose of the study was to generalize official statistical data and the work of representatives of scientific schools to form one of the components of information support for the security activities of trade enterprises. In order to form the informational basis of the security activities of trade enterprises, the following methods were applied: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization – in the study of the principles of the functioning of wholesale and retail trade enterprises; synthesis and analysis – to assess the dynamics and determine trends in the change in the number of trading enterprises; morphological analysis – to specify the degree of influence of certain factors on the activity of trade enterprises within 2010–2022; graphic – for visual representation of theoretical and methodical material; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. The parameters of one of the many points of the external information field are considered, which involves careful monitoring of changes in the number of market participants in order to establish trends and, on this basis, adjust the company's development strategy. It was established that within the period 2010–2022 there were several waves in the change in the number of trading enterprises under the influence of the beginning of military aggression in 2014–2015, the relative stability of the national economy until 2019, due to COVID-19 and a new phase of aggression on the part of the Russian Federation in 2022. The facts of constantly high competition on the part of individual entrepreneurs, as well as concentration and strengthening of specialization, which are excellent for enterprises specializing in the sale of food and non-food products, have been established.

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