
The article is devoted to the characteristics of decent work of decent work in modern conditions of development of Ukraine. The author analyzes the norms of domestic labor legislation and acts of a contractual nature, regulating relations in the field of decent work, and directly related to the centralized, local (collectivecontractual) methods of regulation of these relations.The author revealed some significant shortcomings of legal (centralized, local, collective-contractual) regulation of social and labor relations in this area. The system of decent work concepts developed by the ILO and representatives of the science of labour law in the process of norm-setting is insufficiently used by the legislator and participants of the social dialogue. In the basic acts of the legislation only fundamental (classical) labor rights of workers are fixed in the majority, to be exact the minimum level of guarantees of these rights. As a consequence, this affects the quality of the rulemaking of local acts and acts of a contractual nature at the General, sectoral, territorial levels on the establishment of decent working conditions for employees.Therefore, Ukraine as a member of the ILO you need to fulfill the strategic objectives of the Decent Work Agenda to ensure all components of decent work (full and productive employment, social protection, decent work, social dialogue) by establishing in domestic legislation the employment level is much higher than the minimum set by normative and legal acts in the sphere of labor remuneration, labor safety, social protection of workers etc.The author considers decent work as the highest form of social and labor relations and one of the most complex social phenomena through the diversity and diversity of cause-and-effect relationships between its various elements and factors that determine the nature and trends of development.The main results of this study are conclusions on the content of the concept of "decent work" through the basic legal structure of the conceptual apparatus of labor law "labor relations", development of proposals to improve the norms of the current labor Code of Ukraine under the influence of the concept of decent work.

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