
The article is aimed at researching the concept of decent work as a strategic direction of the labour legislation development in XXI century. De- cent work is considered as the basis for sustainable development, overcoming poverty and income inequality. The author analyses the stages of formation and development of the concept of decent work in the International Labour Organization (ILO) activity. It also determines the content of the basic dimensions of decent work for ILO standards. There are such elements of the concept of decent work as the fundamental principles and rights at work, the promotion of productive employment, social protection, social dialogue. The need for defining qualitative and quantitative indica- tors to measure progress towards decent work in each country is emphasized. The need for decent work is especially relevant in the modern period, due to the deepening of the human-oriented approach to regulating rela- tions in the field of work. The broader content of the substance of social protection has been identified in comparison with national doctrine, includ- ing measures for social security and protection of workers, as well as working conditions. It is emphasized that nowadays the decent work is the safe work. It is concluded that social dialogue is the key to achieving the goals of decent work, balancing the interests of the state, employees and employers in the field of work. The article summarises scientific approaches to determining the content and objectives of decent work nowadays. The purpose of the concept of decent work is defined as ensuring productive employment, decent working conditions, and opportunities for professional and personal devel- opment of employees on the basis of equality, fairness and security. It is emphasised that the complexity of the concept of decent work, the realiza- tion of this concept will affect not only labour relations, but also at the standard of living of employees and society as a whole. The implementation of international standards for the decent working conditions, decent wages, ensuring equal rights and opportunities allows improving the well- being of employees, their economic status, and also affects the level of the country's economic development.

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