
The research is devoted to the characteristics of the beneficiary subjects of the stimulation of the alternative energy production. The purpose of the given research is to specificate the characteristics of the beneficiary subjects of the stimulation of the alternative energy production. The key Ukrainian energy laws, such as the law On Alternative Energy Sources, On the Electricity Market and On Heat Supply, as well as the scientific researches on this issue were explored.According to the legal definition of energy, produced of alternative energy sources, it is considered as electricity, heat and mechanical energy, that is produced on the objects of alternative energy and may be considered as goods for purchase and sale operations. However, it was found that beneficiary subjects of the stimulation of the production of the electricity from alternative sources are economic entities and consumers of energy, which produce electricity from alternative energy sources. The list of beneficiary subjects of the stimulation of production of the heat energy are shorter, comparing to the list of electricity producers, and includes only economic entities, which produce heat energy from alternative energy sources. Finally, having based on existing legal framework it seems to be impossible to find out what is the producer of mechanical energy from alternative energy sources in terms of law. Given the above, the producers of mechanical energy from alternative energy sources are not considered as a beneficiary subjects of the stimulation of the alternative energy production.According to the characteristics of the economic entities, who produce energy from alternative sources, it was found some peculiarities of the attributable to all economic entities characteristics In the light of the above, the characteristics of the beneficiary subjects of the stimulation of the production of energy from alternative sources have been specificated and presented.The theoretical results of the given research can be used in legal theory and also in further theoretical researches devoted to the stimulation of the alternative energy production.

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