
The study of Ukrainian literature as a kind of art, and therefore in the rich palette of national and world cultural heritage, corresponds to the trends of liter-ary and cultural education. The purpose of the article is a generalized ideological and theoretical analysis of the methodology of studying Ukrainian literature in a cultural key. According to the NUS Concept, one of the ten key competencies is awareness and self-expression in the fi eld of culture. This competence is related to the understanding of works of art, the formation of one’s own artistic tastes, the independent expression of ideas, experiences and feelings through works of art. The formation of cultural competence within school programs does not have a special targeted subject, but takes place in the synergy of infl uences on the student’s personality during the study of a number of related disciplines. Perhaps the greatest potential to form cultural competence have the disciplines of the lin-guistic and literary cycle, in particular Ukrainian literature. Lessons of Ukrainian literature, in which the cultural context is systematically involved, are able to form a full-fl edged understanding of the pupils about the cultural paradigm in the conditions of which national literature arose and developed, as well as to give pupils a holistic understanding of the place of the artistic word among other types of art. The key note of the authors of the NUS Concept is that awareness and self-expression in the fi eld of culture is based on a deep understanding of one’s own national identity. All this motivates the correctness of the complex scientifi c vec-tor of the current research, the source of which is the non-linguistic works of Ivan Ohiienko (with an emphasis on the book “Ukrainian culture. A brief history of the cultural life of the Ukrainian people”). First, the appropriateness of studying literature in the national and cultural plane is substantiated. Secondly, it was in-vestigated how Ivan Ohiienko appeals to the worldview dominants of vitalism as a thought code of the indestructibility of the Ukrainian nation in the constructed algorithm of presenting the material. Evidence of the vitality of the Ukrainian nation is precisely the unique culture, in particular literature. The formation of cultural competence by the Ohiienko’s traditions is highlighted in the article. It contributes to building a solid foundation for the national self-identifi cation of schoolchildren. Further research on the topic should be organized empirically by tracing how the teaching of Ukrainian literature in the cultural paradigm aff ects the national self-awareness of pupils and motivational mechanisms regarding the study of literature as a kind of art and an essential form of existence of the national spirit

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