
The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research aimed at revealing in a holistic and systematic manner the psychological features of professional activity of operators of unmanned aerial systems of tactical classes. The authors established that such professional activity is objectively complex, clearly regulated, multifunctional, comprehensive, has an individual and collective nature of work, and contains elements of extremity in performing typical tasks not only in combat but also in everyday conditions, which is due to the presence of a few inherent stress factors which negatively affect its subject. The study proves that the performance of a wide range of professional tasks by an operator of unmanned aerial systems of tactical classes places high demands on his physical endurance, emotional balance, ability to concentrate and distribute attention, ability to switch from one task to another, requires a high level of professional competence, nervous and mental stability, rapid adaptation to activities in difficult conditions, moral normativity of behaviour, focus on achieving professional mastery, motivation for professional success, responsibility, personal organization, self-discipline, high level of involvement of volitional processes, ability to maximum mental productivity in conditions of emotional and physical tension. The work carried out allowed us to establish an array of individual psychological characteristics of the specialist under study, which are professionally important, and the main contraindications for a person to serve as a UAV operator in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. The areas of applied application of the presented research material for a more complete practical implementation of the psychological component of the process of professional training of tactical UAV operators are presented.

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