
The state of mental tension arises when a person performs productive activity in difficult conditions and has a strong impact on his or her performance. The nature of this influence is determined by the situation itself, as well as the characteristics of the individual, his or her motivation and so on. In general, the importance of a component in the overall structure of tension, the dynamics of its changes is determined by what place it occupies in the structure of a particular activity. In the process of certain activity, various relationships, which include people and events, there are internal properties of the individual, which become his or her stable formations and begin to participate in the regulation of mental states and behavior in difficult conditions. Based on the concept of «tension» as a mental state, we talk about emotional tension in the professional activity of teachers as a state that is expressed in the characteristics of experiences and behavior and is objectively caused by such difficulties that cannot be overcome. The syndrome or phenomenon of «burnout» is manifested as a state of physical and mental exhaustion caused by emotional stress, which in turn leads to stress when working with people. Emotional burnout is a mechanism of psychological protection developed by a person in the form of complete or partial exclusion of emotions in response to traumatic influences. The results allowed us to develop guidelines for the prevention of emotional burnout of teachers in an inclusive educational environment in order to prevent and assist teachers who are prone to «emotional burnout». The presented methodical recommendations are only the first step in the further in-depth study of the problem of emotional burnout of teachers in professional activity.

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