
The article examines the main functions and operational goals of the financial and economic security of the enterprise. It has been proven that the financial and economic security of the enterprise is a component of the economic security of higher levels of management (security of the country, region, industry). It was determined that under the conditions of the convergence of transformational changes, all spheres of activity of the economic entity are taken into account when studying the issues of ensuring financial and economic security. In the context of the financial component, the main indicators of ensuring the security of the enterprise are those that characterize the level of solvency, business activity, financial stability, profitability. It has been proven that internal threats to the financial and economic activity of the enterprise depend on the qualifications and competence of managers and leading managers. The main internal factors of influence on indicators of financial and economic security of industrial enterprises are systematized, with the determination of the most important ones (financial and economic, organizational and managerial, production, personnel, scientific and technological). The marketing component is an effective tool that creates prerequisites for ensuring financial and economic security indicators at the planned level by forming information relationships between the business entity and the external environment. Groups of external factors influencing the financial and economic security indicators of the enterprise are singled out, which can have an indirect or direct influence in the context of convergent-oriented development. Having substantiated the risks, threats, factors that significantly affect the parameters of financial and economic security, the directions of ensuring security are determined, in particular, the improvement of the information and analytical component of management, in the aspect of marketing development at the enterprise, and the formation of adaptive mechanisms to the influence of external environmental factors.

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