
On the modern stage of development of pedagogical theory and practice ahistorical and pedagogical component is in maintenance of professional preparation of future teachers, as a rule, present person. Indeed from recent pores there is a tendency to the exception of educational object “History of pedagogics” as a separate educational component from the curricula of preparation of bread-winners of higher education. But historical and pedagogical material is entered to the course of general pedagogics and, usually, used for legitimizationof pedagogical position of teacher or formal review of that, how an idea developed about that or other pedagogical higher or process. Thus an address to the historical and pedagogical context often carries informing character especially, that, unfortunately, does not assist to development of the pedagogical thinking and becoming of pedagogical world view of future teachers. Thus there is a fully appropriate problem of integration of historical and pedagogical knowledge in maintenance of professional preparation of future teachers, question of creation of space for a question of creation of space is for a pedagogical dialogue in relation to logic of historical development of theory and practice of education, motive forces and determinants of historical and pedagogical process, his intercommunication with the economic, political, cultural evolution of society, mechanisms of becoming and development of important pedagogical traditions. The article is sanctified to the problem of integration of історико-педагогічногоhistorical and pedagogical knowledge in maintenance of professional preparation of future teachers; labours of home and foreign scientists, practical teachers-workers are analysed in relation to cognitive, heuristic and prognostic potential of historical and pedagogical knowledge, his role and place in the structure of modern pedagogical education; essence and features of quest technology of studies are reflected; possibilities of her introduction are outlined in the educational process of preparation of bread-winners of higher education; the example of historical and pedagogical quest and algorithm of work with him of teacher and students are offered during the study of pedagogical disciplines

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