
The article reviews the publications which described and analysed the scientific biography of the prominent scientist Oleksiy Terenozhkin, its outcomes and achievements. His works continue to be in the focus of constant attention, however, the deserving, proper estimation of the high-valuable scientific heritage and contribution of O. Terenozhkin hasn’t been done – based on the previous surveys and considering the recent modern achievements and discoveries in the areas of his scientific interests. The necessity of the special study of the scientist’s heritage is provoked and driven by the insufficient research as well as presentation of this important subject in the domestic historiographic literature. The purpose of the research – to analyze the publications devoted to the different facets of scientific activity of the prominent historian and archeologist Oleksiy Terenozhkin. The scientist is the founder of the scientific school of the explorers of Scythian history in Ukraine, he’s completed the systematic research of the origin, history and culture of the Scythian’s and the nations populated the territory of Ukraine in pre-Scythian period, proved the continual ethnic-cultural succession of the population of the Right-bank forest-steppe region of Ukraine, starting from the Bronze Age up to the Early Slavs cultures including. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, systematic approach and the fundamentals of «intellectual history». The scientific novelty – the detailed analysis of all the publications related to the biography and researches of O. Terenozhkin has been made for the first time ever. It emphasized the absence of the generalized and integrating studies which thoroughly cover and elucidate the results of archeological and historical heuristic he’s been carrying out for almost sixty years and which provide comprehensive, careful analysis of his findings, discoveries and elaborations in the several areas of ancient history of nations which populated Black Sea costs, Dnieper Ukraine territory, Volga region, territories of East European Plain near Ural Mountains and several regions of Central Asia. Conclusions. The analytical studies aimed at the comprehension of the scientist’s work and its contribution, at the investigation of his intellectual biography could be split at three stages: 1) During the lifetime (from middle of 1920th up to the end of 1970th). 2) «The period of conferences» devoted to the anniversaries of Oleksiy Ivanovich (1980th and 1990th). 3) The period of the start of writing of thematic and detailed summarizing articles with the subject of the scientific biography of O. Terenozhkin, the analysis of his works and surveys in the context of nowadays’ practice of the research in the areas of his professional specialization; of the publishing of biographical sources documents (since 1999 to the present). Thus, as for now we have to a certain extent representative historiography which includes both the biographical articles and the individual articles covering the studies of separate historical periods by O. Terenozhkin, his exploration of specific complexes of sources in the process of research of separate archaeological cultures in question. Nevertheless, the real comprehension and recognition of scientific heritage of the O. Terenozhkin, its impact on the further development of the history science in Ukraine require literally several solid monographic studies.нографічних досліджень.

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