
Summary. The purpose of the research. The purpose of the study is to characterize the evolution of the Ukrainian nation in the period of recent times as presented by D. Dontsov. The research methodology is based primarily on the principle of historicism, concretized by the approach to historical phenomena and processes from the standpoint of dynamics, the study of the relationships between them and their interdependence. A number of general historical methods were also applied, namely: comparative-historical, historical comparative studies, retrospective for the analysis and comparison of D. Dontsov’s ideology with other ideological directions. To characterize the ideology of the «acting» («strong-willed») nationalism of D. Dontsov, methods of the history of ideas are used. The scientific novelty is connected with the fact that D. Dontsov’s ideas and views regarding the problems of the evolution of the Ukrainian nation are still not well understood. In particular, this primarily concerns his heritage contained in the journalism of authorship of D. Dontsov, published in the socialist periodicals of 1909–1911. Conclusions. In the context of modern Russian aggression, the problem of establishing an independent Ukrainian state is becoming crucial. Under these conditions, the ideology of «valid» («strong-willed») nationalism of D. Dontsov and his vision of the direction of development of the Ukrainian nation is of particular importance. In particular, his teaching on the significance of national-spiritual leaders who are capable of contributing to the transformation of an oppressed people from an amorphous mass into a nation is significant. In the history of Ukraine, among other few ideological leaders of the nation, this is precisely the role played by Dmitry Dontsov. The rejection of all of Russia as imperial and hostile to Ukraine has become one of the cross-cutting ideas that interweave Dmitry Dontsov’s work. He believed that it was not enough to realize the isolation of Ukraine from Russia, it was not enough to see the enemy in Russia, it is necessary that one should also resolutely overcome the servility of the Ukrainian intelligentsia to all Russians. Therefore, at the current stage of the struggle for the establishment of a full-fledged Ukrainian nation, the ideas of D. Dontsov play a special role in upholding the Ukrainian national dignity and identity.

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