
The article is intended to justify and develop the profile of professional competence of a future military lawyer and to determine the content of relevant professional competences. As the research methods, the author used a defining analysis and generalization of theoretical positions of scientific literature in order to determine the state of development of the problem, clarifying the content of the concepts of "competence", "competence" and "professional competence"; systematization and logical generalization for the purpose of theoretical substantiation and development of the profile of the professional competence of the military lawyer.The article substantiates and develops the scope of the professional competence skills and qualifications of professional competence of military lawyers and defines the content of relevant professional competence. On the basis of analysis of scientific literature, the correlation of the concepts of the "professional competence" and "competence" is determined. The essence of the concept "professional competence" is determined, the types of lawyer’s competence are considered (special, social, autocompetence, extreme professional competence). On the basis of the study of the profession, the professional qualities of the specialist of the legal branch, which are necessary for the formation of professional competence are highlighted. The professional duties of the military lawyer are determined. The duties must be taken into account in order to determine the list and content of his professional competences. In the article, the scope of the professional competence skills and qualifications of the military lawyer covers terminology-knowledge, professional-personal, professional-operating competence. Terminology-knowledge competence is associated with the skills of the future specialist scientific legal categorical apparatus and professional terminology. Professional-personal competence covers professionally important qualities of the specialist, his communicative competence, and motivation formed for professional activity. Professional-operational competence reflects the whole spectrum of skills and abilities of the professional activity of a military lawyer, defines the concept of "professional competence of the future military lawyer", which is considered as a holistic, complex personal formation, integrative quality of the individual, which combines the knowledge of the future specialist of the knowledge system, skills and abilities of the military-legal direction, the formation of professionally important qualities of the lawyer's personality, which will ensure effective performance of its professional functions in order to protect human rights and freedoms, the general interests of society and the state. The practical value of the developed professional competence profile of a future military lawyer is to clearly identify the list of his professional competencies and the possibility of their purposeful formation in the educational process of a higher educational establishment. Prospects for further research are to identify and create appropriate educational conditions in the educational process of a higher educational establishment that will contribute to the formation of the professional competence of future military lawyers.

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