
The article analyzes the experience of development, implementation and certification of quality management systems at enterprises for the production of wood-based panels, plywood, furniture. The specifics of the implementation of the process approach in the QMS of enterprises, the experience of widespread use of methodological instructions (MI), standards of organizations (STO), guidelines (RD) are shown. Information is given on the demand for QMS certified by the Lessertika Center by foreign QMS certification bodies. A critical analysis of the state of chemical safety of wood-based panels and plywood, as well as the problems of implementation and implementation of TR CU 025/2012 «On the safety of furniture products» is given, directions for revising this TR CU are indicated. For the first time, special attention is paid to the analysis of the methods used by the RF for determining the release of formaldehyde from wood-based panels, plywood and furniture. The advantages and disadvantages of using three methods for assessing the emission of formaldehyde from wood materials and furniture are objectively considered, which will allow manufacturers, consumers of products and regulatory authorities to substantiate their requirements for the methods used to confirm the environmental friendliness of products. The experience of determining the content of radionuclides in wood materials and furniture is indicated.

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