
The article concentrates on the realization of the phenomenon of motiveness in the content organization of the text in the vein of communicative and pragmatic approach to its investigation. The topicality of singling out and researching motiveness in the scope of text linguistics is related to the anthropic nature of this phenomenon, which is supposed to give a possibility under a new way of thinking to present two dimensions of the representation of a human being in the text – as a subject of text creation and as an object of depicting. The goal of the article is to substantiate the relevance of motiveness to text linguistics. According to the goal, the following tasks have been set: to analyze the phenomenon of motiveness in connection to the interdisciplinary notion of a motive; to outline the approaches to understanding motive and motiveness in the scope of linguistics; to define language signs of realization of motiveness in the content organization of the text in the novel by Bohdan Boichuk “Alipii the II and His Fiancee”. The result of research is: the outline of motiveness with its hierarchical structure of phenomenological and actional motives, which are actualized in the content organization of narration and dialogue components of the text; coordination of motives character with realization in the fictional world of a literary text the images of the author and the heroes; tracing mechanisms of motive implantation in the semantic space of the text; substantiation of the connection between motiveness and the sphere of communicative meanings of the text. On the basis of this there seems to be necessary to analyze different types of the text to give motiveness a specific status in the system of text units and categories. Key words: text, content organization of the text, narrative component of the text, dialogue component of the text, motiveness, motive, motive structure, phenomenological motive, actional motive, communicative sense.

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