
The article analyzes the role of pedagogical journals in the development of multiethnic education and schooling in Subcarpathian Rus (1919–1939). It has been proved that the pedagogical periodicals during the period under study were mainly initiated by the school department of the Civil Administration of Subcarpathian Rus, the Teachers’ Association of Subcarpathian Rus, the Pedagogical Society of Subcarpathian Rus, the Ukrainophile pedagogical society “Teacher Community”. It has been found out that the educational guidelines of publications depended not only on the state policy, but also on the ideology of public organizations that financed a particular journal as well as n the position of the chief editors. The pedagogical journals Uchitel, Narodnaya Shkola, Podkarpatska Rus, Uchitelskii Holos, Nasha Shkola, Venochek dlia podcarpatskih detok, Nash rodnyy kray, Pcholka raised educational problems, fulfilling this important informative function, promoting the humanistic, moral, spiritual, multi-ethnic and democratic values of education. Almost every journal contained rubrics on the conditions and criteria of multicultural, national-patriotic, spiritual, and physical education. The articles discussed specific issues of education and upbringing, educational and methodological principles of education, a chronicle of the cultural and educational development of the region, etc. The specificity of educational journals in Subcarpathian Rus was their multilingualism: the overwhelming majority of articles were published in two or three languages – Rusinian, Czech and Hungarian, which made them accessible to a wide range of readers, facilitated the dialogue of cultures between representatives of different ethnic groups in the region.

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