
The article examines the organizational and legal support of refugees in the initial period of the First World War. The author focuses on the legal Council of Ministers, which were sent to provide assistance to the population affected by the initial period of the war, including refugees - subjects of the Russian Empire, as well as acts that provided the legal basis for the eviction process, acts, as well as state and public events that were implemented in relation to migrants from border areas to the inner provinces before the adoption of the law «On ensuring the needs of refu-gees» on August 30, 1915. The article notes the ab-sence of a finally approved plan for the evacuation of the civilian population at the beginning of the war, which resulted in unorganized and mass migration in the fall of 1914. the formation of the «Committee of Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Tatyana Niko-laevna» became the supreme power to the emerging problem, the formation of the functionality of which can be traced in the article. In addition, various national organizations sprang up locally to solve the problems of ethnic migrants from among Russian citizens. The author examines individual legislative acts of subjects of enemy states, and, ultimately, of the German colonists.

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