
The article considered a system-functional approach to strategic management in the educational field. Management variations were listed and analyzed, which visualize management methodology in the educational field. Such variations of management are administrative, dynamic, integrative, quantitative, complex, marketing, normative, behavioral, process, situational, systemic, functional. The role of the system-functional approach in the research methodology of the strategic management system in the educational field was defined. The role consists in distinguishing the relevant segments (elements) in the system objects of the intra-industry environment and determining their properties, characteristic intra-industry role, i.e. functions in the activity of the system as a whole. The system of strategic management in the educational field was described. This system is an adaptive, purposeful and multi-structured functional set of interacting elements that are responsible for the timely achievement of defined intra-industry strategic goals. The main characteristics of the system were listed. A system-functional approach to strategic management in the educational field was analyzed. Segments of the management system in the educational sector were singled out, which ensure its functioning and permanent adaptation to the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors. A systematic approach to strategic management in the educational field was described. The main components of the system approach were listed. The effects that characterize the system of strategic management in the educational sector were singled out. The main orientations of the strategic management system in the educational sector were analyzed. The logic of the system-functional approach to strategic management in the educational field was illustrated. The main functions of strategic management in the educational sector were highlighted. The main functions in the system of strategic management in the educational field were illustrated. Conclusions were made regarding the system-functional approach to strategic management in the educational field.

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