
The presented article reflects a study of the state of the housing construction market in recent years. The article offers a brief analysis of the state of bibliographic study of the issue of the state of the competitive environment in the housing construction and residential real estate market, reflects the systematization and description of five main trends, provides a more detailed analysis of the state of the competitive environment and the structure of the housing commodity market, calculates indicators reflecting the fact of structural dominance in the regions of the Russian Federation. A ranking of the 20 largest developers in terms of “housing under construction” and the regions of their presence in 2023 and a comparative analysis of structural changes in market concentration by federal districts for the period 2021–2023 were built. The level of concentration of housing construction markets according to the indicator “housing under construction” in the context of administrative-territorial districts of the Russian Federation is determined. It is noted that in most regions of Russia there is a high level of competition in the residential real estate construction market, which has a significant impact on the state of the market as a whole and the processes taking place on it. The presence of active competition in 85% of regional housing construction markets indicates that there are no signs of abuse of a dominant position in the vast majority of regions, signs of structural collective dominance are also limited, which allows us to hypothesize that price increases are formed not because of the monopolistic behavior of real estate developers, but due to the influence of other factors, which are subject to more detailed study.

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