
Summary The purpose of the research is to analyze the size of technological areas under traditional and organic conditions for keeping poultry of various species. Research methods. Analytical studies on the size of technological areas under traditional and organic conditions for keeping poultry of various species were carried out on the example of poultry farming in developed European countries according to available scientific and informational reports, including in a comparative aspect. Results. Analytical studies have established that, according to the regulatory requirements of European countries with developed poultry farming, technological areas during floor, cascade keeping of chickens’ amount to 9 heads/m2 (for organic production of products - 6 heads/m2), a maximum of four levels of livestock placement is allowed (in terms of organic production - three levels). On poultry farms for keeping laying hens, group places for laying eggs are designed for 80-120 heads/m2. Perches for laying hens at the rate of 15 cm/head. (for organic production 18 cm/head). Walking areas for laying hens are arranged at the rate of 4 m2/head. Technological areas during keeping turkeys should not exceed 45 kg/m2 (21-30 kg/m2 is allowed in organic production). In the poultry house, geese must be kept at a processing area of 2 heads/m2 (15 kg/m2). For free-range keeping of geese, the technological area should be 10 m2/head. Organic geese need at least 15 m2/head. In the poultry house, ducks are kept at a technological area of 25 kg/m2. Conclusions. In European countries with developed poultry farming, there is an increase in the production of products based on the principles of organic farming and animal husbandry. Main trends regarding technological areas during poultry keeping: increase of technological areas by at least 50%; floor keeping of poultry; optimized cascade keeping of chickens; rational dimensions of the place for laying eggs, perches, etc.; free-range keeping of poultry; provided shelter for birds on walking platforms. The materials presented in the publication will be useful in the future for the development of design solutions for buildings of small poultry farms for keeping poultry. Key words: geese, turkeys, ducks, chickens, poultry farming, poultry farms, technological areas, keeping conditions.

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