
The article considers the didactic principles of using the Klett Augmented service in the study of German as a second foreign language at the Department of Applied Linguistics of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". The authors summarize the experience of domestic and foreign researchers on the introduction of electronic technologies in the educational process. Modern achievements in neurodidactics are taken into account, in particular "Learning by Doing", the effectiveness of "multichannel" learning through the receipt of information through audio, visual, audio-visual, motor-kinetic channels is analyzed. The Klett application makes it possible to organize the study of the German language in a meaningful, dynamic, diverse way, varying theoretical material with practical tasks, and in the digital age – analog learning material with digital. In the course of the research the authors came to the conclusion that expedient and methodically correct use of Klett mobile application is an effective application in the process of learning German as a foreign language, promotes phonetic, lexical, communicative, translation skills, ability to use language skills in future professional activities. The service promotes the development of sociolinguistic competence, which manifests itself through interest in learning a foreign language and culture, provides the educational process with innovative characteristics, promotes effective independent work, effectively supports the work of teacher and / or student.

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