
The process of introduction of digital technologies in the process of cargo transportation were investigated. The process of implementing digital technologies is associated with certain competitive risks: on the one hand, there is a tendency to consolidate the market and the emergence of large multimodal transportation companies, which can lead to the abuse of a dominant position. On the other hand, now the industry can include companies that do not have a transport base, but only have an effective application platform. Regulators need to take into account new trends and develop their own services to obtain timely and reliable information about the state of competition in the market. The introduction of digital technologies leads to the emergence and development of new businesses and changes in competition in existing product markets. The field of freight, which existed before the fourth industrial revolution, also faced the need for strong changes in the digital transformation: changed the companies themselves, internal rules of conduct, ways of interaction between them and with regulators. Measures of economic regulation should take into account new trends in the development of industries and promote (or at least not hinder) further development, especially in key areas of the economy. Such areas include the transport sector, which is strategically important to support to improve the country's investment climate. Digitization, on the one hand, provides additional benefits for large market players, which can create barriers to entry, but on the other hand, it allows players to enter from "neighboring" markets through integrated services. Regulators need to take into account the application of such innovations, adapt legislation to reduce the risk of regulation and apply the experience of foreign countries. The subject of the study is the actual digitization and provision of digitization services in the circle of freight companies, as well as the tools that must be used. The object of research is digitalization services and their relevance today.

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