
Species and cultivars of the genus Allium L., family Alliaceae occupy a significant place is in the collection of floral and ornamental herbaceous perennials of the Stavropol Botanical Garden. The first supplies of plants to the exhibition areas of the garden took place in 1962. Nowadays, 34 taxa grow in the collection of herbaceous perennials. Research work on the study of local species and introduced species has been carried out since 2010. In 2020, the results of an introduction experiment to study the seasonal rhythms of plant growth and development, their ecological growth conditions, biomorphological indicators, decorative qualities, and economically valuable features, resistance to adverse weather conditions, pests, and diseases were summed up. Analyzing the data obtained, the author identifies the most promising species and cultivars for the introduction on the territory of the Stavropol upland in the conditions of a sharply continental climate and the zone of unstable moisture. As a result of the final assessment of the adaptive features of bows and their decorative qualities, the following groups were identified: very promising – 21, promising – 7, and unpromising – 6. The research team suggests using highly decorative and decorative species, resistant to cultivation in Stavropol and other localities in the region, in practical floriculture. Low-promising and low-decorative ones are valuable species and cultivars used in medicine or consumed as food and rare and endangered species of the Russian Federation 28 and neighboring countries. Plants of the genus Allium in the collection of the Stavropol Botanical Garden are a scientific base for holding regional environmental seminars for schoolchildren and students of higher educational institutions. Acquaintance with this group of plants is of great interest for landscape design specialists and amateur flower growers.

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