
The article summarizes modern scientific and practical approaches to the development of industrial tourism and substantiates its innovative principles. Industrial tourism has become a promising segment of the tourism industry, offering tourists a unique experience that showcases the cultural and natural heritage of industrial sites and areas. The main scientific works on the problems of the development of industrial tourism were analyzed, and the approaches to its definition were considered. The important role of industrial tourism in the development of the socioeconomic potential of territories with production specialization is emphasized. Innovative development of industrial tourism is understood as the introduction of new ideas, technologies, and approaches to increase the quality, safety, and attractiveness of products and services in industrial tourism. In this sense, innovative development involves the use of innovative principles, strategies, and tools to create unique and attractive destinations, while preserving and popularizing the cultural and natural heritage of industrial facilities and regions. The following areas are highlighted: innovative development of industrial tourism as the application of new technologies; integration of sustainable and environmentally safe methods of management of industrial facilities; creation of new types of industrial tourism products and services. In order to successfully implement these directions in the process of managing the development of tourism, it is necessary to apply innovative principles, such as sustainability, authenticity, technology, accessibility, and cooperation. Thanks to the application of the proposed innovative principles, industrial tourism can become a catalyst for economic development, job creation, and preservation of the cultural heritage of local communities. However, the success of industrial tourism development depends on the effective cooperation and coordination of various stakeholders, including governing bodies, industry enterprises, local communities, and tourists. Ukraine has significant opportunities for the development of industrial tourism, given the country's rich industrial heritage and cultural diversity. However, there are also problems that need to be solved, among which, in addition to the safety of tourism, there is a need to improve the state of the infrastructure, modernize the marketing policy, and more actively involve stakeholders in the development of industrial tourism.

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