
The article examines the current issues of leadership of countries in the field of nanotechnology, and it is argued that the pace of development of the national system of nanotechnology standardization and certification in Ukraine is far from encouraging, especially taking into account global progress in this area. The positions of Ukraine in the global rankings of the effectiveness of innovative activity were evaluated and the possession of our state with a fairly developed scientific, technical and educational potential as a basis for conducting fundamental nanotechnological research was confirmed, but they also demonstrate the presence of a number of deep structural problems in the domestic economy. Significant inhibiting factors in the development of the nanotechnology segment of the national innovation system are also the preservation of significant bureaucratic and financial restrictions in the internationalization of Ukrainian R&D, which not only repel international partners from this process, but also largely demotivate domestic scientific research institutions to develop international innovation cooperation and involvement in of foreign infrastructural capacities. An immanent feature of the national field of research and development is also the significant problems of international scientific and technical cooperation of domestic institutions and the insufficient level of their integration into the global and European research space. It has been proven that despite the transformation of nanotechnology into a leading scientific and technological priority of global innovative progress in recent decades, nanoproduction still has not gained significant distribution in Ukraine. In the context of successfully overcoming the scientific and technical backwardness of our country in the field of development of the nanotechnological segment of the domestic innovation market and increasing the scale of production of new nanomaterials, the issue of ensuring a deep convergence of fundamental and applied research and development of the nanotechnological profile, as well as organizational, economic and institutional training of domestic sub enterprises to the introduction of nanotechnology in their production activities.

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