
The entrepreneurial sector is entrusted with a supporting role in saturating the market with goods and services, developing healthy competition, which puts the problem of forming entrepreneurial potential in a special place and shows the relevance of this issue in the research of modern science. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the organizational and economic foundations for the formation of entrepreneurial potential in the agrarian sphere. The objectives of the study include highlighting the aspects of structuring, effectiveness and existing dependencies in the development of the agrarian sector; the influence of socio-economic factors on the formation of entrepreneurial potential; substantiation of promising types of entrepreneurships in the agrarian sphere. Substantiation of the structural elements of the manifestation of the essence of the agrarian sphere, which influences the formation of entrepreneurial potential due to the effectiveness and existing dependencies in development, provided an opportunity to determine the promising directions of the development of the agrarian sphere. These include: the expansion of activities and production of new types of products, provision of various services, in particular financial, informational and advisory, as well as development of innovative entrepreneurship, oriented not only to the domestic sales market, but also to the global markets of agricultural products. The work focuses on the development of innovative entrepreneurship as a basis for strengthening the economic potential of rural areas. The components of the development of the system of innovative entrepreneurship as a basis for strengthening the economic potential of rural areas include: infrastructure development; generation of scientific knowledge and innovations; creation of a training system for innovative managers; motivation of labor in the agrarian sphere; investment support for innovative technological processes; use of the latest technologies; expansion of integration ties between subjects of economic relations. It has been proven that the implementation of organizational and economic measures for the development of various forms and types of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sphere will contribute to solving a number of problematic issues related to: increasing the level of employment and reducing migration processes; ensuring compliance with a high level of product quality and marketability; regulation and expansion of product sales directions; raising the level of awareness in financial and economic issues of entrepreneurship development by strengthening the scientific and educational environment; development of industrial and social infrastructure, as well as increasing the efficiency of their use.

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