
The emphasis is on dynamic processes and actualization of specific models and means of word formation in the modern Ukrainian language. The concept of neosemantization is described, which reflects a wide range of methods for updating nominative units, as well as hyponyms: internal (introspective) word formation, secondary nomination, semantic derivation, lexico-semantic way of word formation. The reasons for the quantitative and qualitative modification in the terminological system of the publishing and printing sphere are outlined: the development of the editorial specialty, the tendency of increasing the volume of Ukrainian-language scientific, popular science, educational, periodical professional literature, the growth of the number of Ukrainian translations of foreign-language professional literature. It is proved that the characteristic feature of term creation at the present stage of the development of the printing and publishing sphere is intensive scientific work in the field of national lexicography, the search for optimal models of terminology, taking into account the peculiarities of the Ukrainian resource of terminological systems. For this purpose, the types of semantic derivation are analyzed on the examples of lexemes represented in the terminological dictionaries of the public-polygraphic sphere and scientific and educational works that represent the particular branch of scientific knowledge (aparat, blok, liniika, korydor, khvist, spusk, holovka, vhaniaty, vyhaniannia etc.). Various methods of verbalization of concepts about processes and phenomena of this branch, optimal ways of termination taking into account features of the Ukrainian language resource of terminological systems on the basis of the theory of G. Paul about varieties of semantic changes are considered: 1) narrowing; 2) amplification and 3) the transfer of the value of the already existing word to another object of the nomination, metaphorization of its available values. A comparative analysis of semantic changes was made based on academic general dictionaries (Dictionary of the Ukrainian language in 11 volumes (1970-1980) and Dictionary of the Ukrainian language in 11 volumes. Additional volume in two books (2017) and the edition “Norms of the Ukrainian Scientific and Technical Language. Interpretative Dictionary of Terms in the Publishing, Printing and Packaging Sector” edited by P. Talanchuk etc. (2006). The active development of the modern Ukrainian publishing and printing terminology system is demonstrated, as evidenced by the emergence of new terms-the generic notions of this sphere of Ukrainian society, as well as the creation of new terms-hyponyms to clarify already known concepts. It is shown that the verbalization of such new concepts is carried out based on both specific and borrowed resources of the nomination. In this area, we observe a system of external, inter-systemic and intra-system polysemy, different types of semantic derivation, the consequences of which are the termination or secondary termination of the studied words, intra-language migration of terms. The multidisciplinary nature of the printing industry is generalized and the necessity of determining the semantic content of the defined terms and their standardization within the limits of the studied terminology system is generalized.

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