
In the last decade of the twentieth century there was a paradigm shift in social development. The factor of human progress has become a condition, goal and driving force of development. The main problem in the study of economic growth factors has shifted from statistical analysis of quantitative variables to qualitative analysis. In this regard, the concept of "knowledge economy" has become widespread and is a set of economic relations based on the integration of scientific, industrial and educational components. The modern economy is in a new qualitative state, associated with changes in economic conditions caused by: the introduction of new, high levels of technology in production, expanding information space, capital mobility, increased importance of creative, creative work, the growing role of theoretical knowledge. The type of economy in which knowledge and information become the main factors of production can be defined as the knowledge economy. In theoretical and practical aspects, as a holistic concept, the knowledge economy is developing dynamically and, depending on changes in political and economic processes, acquires certain features and characteristics. It should be noted that the elements of the knowledge economy are historically present in all socio-economic formations and civilizations, but only in the context of globalization, they are most pronounced. Knowledge can become the main driving force of social production only in the conditions of radical reduction of the role of physical and routine work, simultaneous development and use of mental activity, mass informatization and intellectualization of social life, which is characteristic of the modern stage of human economic system. The human brain as a generator, accumulator and transformer of knowledge is the main object of cognitive technologies and the subject of study of interdisciplinary neuroscience. At the beginning of the XXI century, the process of forming a knowledge economy continues, in which development and success are determined not by material resources, but by the possession of the greatest amount of valuable information and the ability to process it quickly. At the same time, such factors and criteria for the functioning of past formations as food, natural and human resources are gaining weight again in the world economy, forming a qualitatively new character of economic and social relations.

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