
The article is a comprehensive study of the concept, key determinants and features of the formation of the knowledge economy in modern conditions. The contextual characteristics of the concept of “knowledge” are given in accordance with the methodological approaches used. The role of knowledge in the formation of a new type of economy, which has become a qualitatively new stage in the development of modern society, is shown. The key provisions of the concept of knowledge economy are characterized. The evolution of the concepts and definitions of the knowledge economy is analyzed and its key essential features are highlighted. It is concluded that the knowledge economy can be considered in a broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense, the knowledge economy is understood as a type of economic organization of society in which knowledge is the key resource and it transforms the entire structure of the economy, the quality of other resources, the nature and technology of production, the entire system of production relations, the volumes and characteristics of the results produced. In the narrow sense, the knowledge economy is understood as the sphere of economic activity directly involved in the production and dissemination of knowledge. The analysis made it possible to highlight the global megatrends of the transition of countries to the knowledge economy, each of which is influenced by the main vectors of the development of science and technology. Including the increase in international trade in high-tech goods and high-tech services; the growth of international migration of highly qualified personnel in the context of an intensified struggle for talents and competencies; development of national higher education systems in the context of globalization of the world market of educational services, etc. It is shown that the transition to a knowledge economy also generates new trends in the development of national economies. Despite the significant differentiation of countries, the direction of development of individual components of the knowledge economy is more or less universal and reflects global trends. The author drew attention to the need for further development of the concept of the knowledge economy, due to radical changes in the technological basis of the modern economy; demographic structural shifts, changes in the human lifestyle; the need to solve management tasks at various levels in the new conditions; growth and complexity of the structure of human needs.

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